Pavel Durov, the rich guy behind the popular app Telegram, got arrested by French police at an airport near Paris. People call him “Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg.”
He’s in trouble because they say bad stuff, like illegal activities, was happening on Telegram, which has about 900 million users.
There’s more to the story because Durov was with a woman named Juli Vavilova, who might be his girlfriend, when he was arrested.
Also Read | Mystery Woman Linked to Telegram CEO’s Arrest: Is She a Mossad Agent?
Who is Juli Vavilova?
Juli Vavilova is a 24-year-old who teaches about crypto and streams videos from Dubai. She likes gaming, crypto, learning new languages, and thinking about life. She has more than 20,000 followers on Instagram. She can speak English, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic.
People have seen her with Pavel Durov, the Telegram boss, in places like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan. They’ve been seen together a lot, which makes people think they’re close.
Juli Vavilova, a woman who was with him, flew into Paris on a private jet right before he got arrested. People online are talking a lot about why she was there.
Also Read | Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested at French Airport, Allegations Platform Misuse
Some think she might have accidentally or on purpose led the police to them. There are wild stories saying she could be a spy or even linked to the Mossad, an Israeli intelligence agency.
But, no one really knows for sure if she had anything to do with Durov getting arrested. News folks have tried to reach out to her but haven’t been able to, which just makes everything more mysterious.